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May 6, 2021
FTA’s 2021 Marjorie M. Shostak Award Recipient
May 14, 2021Weekly Vessels Anchored and at Terminals as of 05/07/2021
Anchored: 19
Terminal: 29
Vessel Congestion Update:
The Los Angeles-Long Beach Ports continue to have arriving vessels wait at anchorage. Container vessels are repositioned from anchorage to a terminal after arrival which then allows the unloading of the vessel’s containerized cargo. Anchorage and terminal number of container vessels this week are slightly up from April 30th.
Though trade flows continue to recover after being severely disrupted early in the pandemic, container bottlenecks at West Coast Ports as well as the global supply chain remain a challenge.
Rubeela Farooqi, Chief U.S. Economist at High Frequency Economics, New York (Forecaster and Analyzer of the U.S. Macro Economy), in part was quoted: “Supply bottlenecks will probably remain a constraining factor in the near term that could weigh on trade. However, flows will likely bounce back once health restrictions on all activity are lifted globally.”
Please contact your Western Overseas representative if you have any questions.