Port Congestion Update 06/25/21
June 28, 2021
Port Congestion Update 07/09/21
July 12, 2021Weekly Vessels Anchored and at Terminals as of 07/02/2021
LA & LB: Anchored 17 | Terminal 25
Oakland: Anchored 3 | Terminal 9 | Coastal 18
NWSA: Anchored 6 | Terminal n/a
Vessel Congestion Update
Westcoast ports continue to operate with container ships waiting in anchor. The ports of LA/LB report the average is 2.33-3 days in anchorage and NWSA an estimated 7-10 days. Congestion continues within the entire supply chain.
John McLaurin, President of Pacific Merchant Shipping Association, in part has stated: “The need for 24-hour marine terminal gates appears to be the default solution to port congestion. While it is a simple and easily understood solution to a complex and difficult problem –within lies the problem. The current port congestion implies that every other component of the supply chain is working smoothly: It isn’t.” McLaurin further stated: in August of 2020 at the Beneficial Cargo Owner conference with port authorities, truckers, ocean carriers, and BCO representatives, during the topic of conversation: port congestion, a member stated it in simple terms:
“I have cargo in China, but I can’t get a box.
When I get a box, I can’t get a ship.
When I get a ship, I can’t get a berth.
When I get a berth, I can’t get a truck.
When I get a truck, I can’t get a chassis.
When I get a chassis, I can’t find space at a warehouse to take the cargo.
The above isn’t port congestion, it’s a supply chain that is absolutely saturated with cargo.”
Please contact your Western Overseas representative if you have any questions.