Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC)
April 29, 2021
U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Update
May 4, 2021Weekly vessels Anchored and at Terminals as of 4/30/2021
Anchored: 14
Terminal: 26
Vessel Congestion Update:
San Pedro bay is starting to look empty compared to a few months ago, when over 100 vessels were waiting in anchorage for a terminal to unload containers. The various passenger vessels have slowly been departing for Caribbean waters and the last four anchored passenger ships departed this week.
The ILWU continues to unload container vessels however the supply chain remains clogged. Both containers on dock and warehouse dwell times remain high as containers are not being quickly unloaded and returned timely. The current situation also adds to equipment shortages. Shipping rates have soared as imported cargo volumes have shattered first quarter import volume statistics and it is uncertain when or if shipping rates will be reduced to early 2020 rates.
Please contact your Western Overseas representative if you have any questions.