Opportunity to Recover Section 232 Duties Paid on Steel and Aluminum Derivative Products
April 9, 2021
Port Congestion Update 4/16/2021
April 19, 2021Weekly Vessels Anchored and at Terminals as of 4/9/2021
Anchored: 22
Terminal: 30
Vessel Congestion Update:
Congestion continues in the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. On April 6th, The gCaptain Daily reported in part: “Los Angeles – Long Beach container ship backlog nears six-month mark.” Vessels continue to be unloaded at the terminals while arriving vessels go directly to anchorage and wait in anchorage from 4-8 days for an available terminal.
Between both ports on a daily basis, approximately 27 container vessels are being worked to unlade the thousands of containers as the ILWU and dock workers continue to operate two daily gang shifts.
Note: Delayed vessels Maersk Eureka and ONE Apus were in anchorage as of April 6th. As of April 2, 2021, the MSC Ariane was en route from Xiamen, China to Los Angeles with an estimated arrival date of April 24, however the schedule for arrival has been delayed due to needed ship repairs. An engine issue resulting from bad quality of fuel that was experienced in the transpacific necessitated the ship being diverted to Wakayama, Japan for repairs.